What a change in the weather! We were shivering at the start of April, now it’s T shirts and sunnies. Time to get out and about, sort out the garden, maybe redecorate a room or two. Did you know you can save time by accessing your account via our website?Continue Reading

As the Credit Union has teamed up with Somerset Waste Partnership we have some helpful leaflets and also free caddy liners (for your food waste bin) to give away at most of our Info/Collection Points. Click each image for larger versionsContinue Reading

Monday night (25th Feb) we had a successful AGM in North Petherton, where it was agreed our dividend for this year will be 1.5% for adult savers, and 2.5% for juniors. We also had a very interesting talk by Mickey Green, from Somerset Waste Partnership.Continue Reading

Here’s hoping everybody is ready for Christmas 2018, and we look forward to helping you have a prosperous New Year. January is a great time of year to start saving up for next Christmas, if you save a small amount of money regularly it can really add up by theContinue Reading

Just pointing out that although this campaign was extended, it has now closed at the end of November 2018 and is no longer eligible for the £25 bonus.   To help launch our new Loan Shark Initiative, we had a stall at the annual Victoria Park Community Centre Summer FairContinue Reading

I’ts that time of year again, time for our first A.G.M. since becoming Somerset Community Credit Union, as it is reviewing the past years events it is largely going to be about Taunton & West Somerset Credit Union and Bridgwater & District Credit Union. All of our members should haveContinue Reading

You are invited to join us Bridgwater & District Credit Union and Taunton Deane & West Somerset Credit Union (Moorvale) were both originally registered in 1998 and after growing steadily over the last 19 years, their members have decided to join together from 1st October 2017. The new Somerset CommunityContinue Reading

It’s a new dawn for both the Taunton & West Somerset Credit Union and also the Bridgwater & District Credit Union as they officially merge on 1st October 2017 to become the Somerset Community Credit Union. At the same time their new enlarged common bond will cover the whole ofContinue Reading