Okay the news maybe bleak this winter, and many of us might be more isolated than usual, but try to enjoy your Christmas this year wherever you are! Our Bridgwater office is closed now until January 4th (Covid/Lockdown dependant), while the Taunton office is open until December 22nd, then reopensContinue Reading

We have reopened our Taunton office now but the Bridgwater one remains closed, apart from the Tuesday Collection point in Victoria Park. We will endeavour to carry on our work as much as possible, if you need us we are still accessible through the above phone numbers and email addresses,Continue Reading

Obviously due to the latest spike in Coronavirus cases our places of business are having to close again for a while. We will endeavour to carry on our work as much as possible (with your cooperation). If you need us we are still accessible through the above phone numbers andContinue Reading

Obviously due to the latest spike in Coronavirus cases our places of business are having to close again for a while. We will endeavour to carry on our work as much as possible (with your cooperation). If you need us we are still accessible through the above phone numbers andContinue Reading

As you can see from the image above, more of our regular facilities are opening up again, with any luck more will be open again over the coming months. To keep up to date with which Collection Points are open (and which are not) you should check our calendar here:Continue Reading

As you can see from the image above, more of our regular facilities are opening up again, with any luck more will be open again over the coming weeks. To keep up to date with which Collection Points are open (and which are not) you should check our calendar here:Continue Reading

There’s still time for children aged 7 – 11 to enter our #CatchMrFin #competition for the chance to #win a £50 Amazon voucher! Children can watch our cartoon and complete the quiz. There is a certificate that can be printed off and coloured in (or, if a printer isn’t available to use, they canContinue Reading

I’ts that time of year again, time for our Annual General Meeting. The formal meeting should take less than an hour, tea and coffee will be served. You will get the chance to vote on the election of the board members, approve the dividend, and ask questions about the CreditContinue Reading

Lot’s of good Christmas savings advice from Somerset Waste Partnership, hope it helps you all to enjoy Christmas this year. All of our Collection/Info points are closed now until Friday January 3rd.  Continue Reading