Have you heard the News? Two local Credit Unions have joined forces to create the Somerset Community Credit Union
You are invited to join us
Bridgwater & District Credit Union and Taunton Deane & West Somerset Credit Union (Moorvale) were both originally registered in 1998 and after growing steadily over the last 19 years, their members have decided to join together from 1st October 2017. The new Somerset Community Credit Union now offers its services to anyone living or working in Somerset or North Somerset.
To join you can come along to one of our collection points or to one of our offices, and join for a £2 fee (so long as you have 2 forms of I.D.) or you can join online via our new website where it will cost a £4 one off fee. Once you have been saving regularly for a while, you become eligible for low-cost loans.
What is a Credit Union?
The Credit Union movement in the UK has grown steadily since the 1960’s. Currently there are 424 registered Credit Unions in the UK. For anyone looking to save and/or borrow they offer a great alternative to the national banks, and a much cheaper means of getting credit than through any doorstep or Payday lenders. Many Credit Unions offer loans to members who have saved with them, even if they have been turned down by the banks. The funds used belong to Credit Union members who have saved and invested for the longer term, and in most years they are rewarded with a dividend which can be comparable to other financial investments.
For further information our Bridgwater office can be contacted on 01278 447100 email: info@somersetccu.uk and the Taunton office can be reached on 01823 336425 email: taunton@somersetccu.uk