Somerset Community Credit Union (SCCU) is pleased to announce that it’s regular Information and Collection Point will be resumed soon at Bulford Community Hall. The service had been suspended in March 2020 because of Covid after having operated for 10 years. Anyone wishing to know more about the services offered byContinue Reading

  Alongside the Bridgwater Town Mayor and in conjunction with the England Illegal Money Lending Team, Somerset Community Credit Union are biting back against the Loan Sharks 🦈 with their new promotion. The first 50 new members to join the Somerset Community Credit Union who successfully manage to save £10Continue Reading

This week we have 2 more Collection Points open again – Hooray! Priorswood Community Centre, Taunton is open again and you can pay in your savings or loan repayments from 09:30 am – 12:30 pm every day Mon – Friday. Sydenham Community Centre, Bridgwater is opening again from Thursday 17thContinue Reading

It’s that time of year again – time for our annual AGM! As we cannot meet up in person this year, we will be holding our AGM online via Zoom on Monday 15th February at 7pm. If any members would like to attend you will need to email our TauntonContinue Reading

Just to update everyone, I will be running the Collection Point in Victoria Park Community Centre tomorrow, as usual from 10:30 am until 12 pm. I will be collecting in reception so will be able to see you when you come to the main doors into the centre. I amContinue Reading

Okay the news maybe bleak this winter, and many of us might be more isolated than usual, but try to enjoy your Christmas this year wherever you are! Our Bridgwater office is closed now until January 4th (Covid/Lockdown dependant), while the Taunton office is open until December 22nd, then reopensContinue Reading